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Antarctica Did That For Me

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July 2, 2024

(#017) Packing for Antarctica

Living and working at the bottom of the world doesn't happen without a little planning and careful packing. On this episode of Antarctica Did That For Me, your hosts Keri Nelson and Cassa Grant talk about getting ready for li...

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June 25, 2024

(#016) Love On Ice - Romance in Antarctica

"Relationships in Antarctica feel bigger, the highs are higher and the lows are lower."- Keri Nelson This episode of Antarctica Did That For Me is all about L-O-V-E - or something like that. We (your hosts Keri Nelson and Cas...

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June 18, 2024

(#015) Midwinter in Antarctica - Waiting for the Sun

Midwinter Day - It's the only holiday in the world that’s celebrated across an entire continent by every person who lives there, and it's happening in Antarctica right now. In the deepest, darkest part of the yar, Antarctican...

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June 11, 2024

(#014) Weird Things We Brought to Antarctica

From bagpipes to jello to cedar shingles… in this episode of Antarctica Did That For Me, we (your hosts Keri Nelson and Cassa Grant) discuss the weirdest things that we and other Antarcticans have brought to the ice. People ...

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June 4, 2024

(#013) Mental Health and Antarctica Winters

Five months of total darkness… the same people day in and day out… no fresh food for six months… Antarctic winters are no joke. But one of the scariest things about signing up to spend a winter in Antarctica is …

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May 28, 2024

(#012) Everywhere There's Signs - Sign Culture in Antarctica

If you've heard that lyric "signs signs, everywhere there's signs", that's no less true for the 7th continent. You can get away from the world when you work in Antarctica, but you can't get away from signs. Antarctica's vibra...

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